10 Simple Habits Transformed My Productivity and Mindfulness

Quarter Thinkz
6 min readJun 4, 2021
Photo by Ian Dooley on Unsplash

I have never imagined that these small habits could have such a transformational impact on my productivity and mindfulness. My desire is that everyone reading this will benefit from it. Trust me, they are really simple and doable!

Someone once told me that a habit takes 21 days to be formed. Not sure how true is this and I have never validated it. But one thing I know is that habits are never meant to exist on its own, it is meant to co-exist with one another, establishing a compounding effect. These small habits may seem insignificant on their own but they have transformed my life, bit by bit.

Habit 1: Making My Bed Every Morning

It gives you a sense of accomplishment the first thing in the morning.

That “small win” in the morning allows you to kickstart your daily momentum, giving you the encouragement you need to move on to the next task.

“Why do I need to make my bed when I am going to sleep in the exact same bed the same night?”

A small 5-second habit may seem extremely insignificant. But think about this, once you make the first thing right, everything will follow. It forms a chain effect. The “small wins” you have every morning will gradually add up and it will eventually become a BIG win! Try it out yourself to experience it!

Ultimately, it is just 5 seconds of your time! You can afford it.

Habit 2: Making Coffee*

Making coffee is a routine that provides an indication that your day has officially started.

Over the years, I have developed the habit of making coffee in the morning every day. It is not about my addiction to coffee, but it is more about the act of it. The act of making coffee in the morning releases a signal that my morning has started. This routine has always managed to give me the morning adrenaline that I need.

*Some of you here may not drink coffee, but we can always replace “making coffee” with another routine like drinking a cup of water. We just need a routine that indicates to us it is a fresh new day.

Habit 3: Set Up a To-do List

A to-do list gives you a sense of direction for the rest of the day.

Oftentimes, there are many things we want to accomplish and we felt that there is a lack of time. However, it was never an issue about insufficient time, it is a lack of time management. Setting up a to-do list allows me to properly plan my day, segregating my time slot and allocating the tasks to the respective time slots. Most of the times, I try to start with tasks that require the least effort so that ticking it off can give me a small sense of accomplishment and the momentum I complete the subsequent tasks.

Habit 4: Morning Devotion / Meditation

Spending time in solitude provides you with a clear mind to start the day.

Living in this fast-paced society, we are often distracted by our surroundings. The demanding working environment has constantly placed us in stressful and anxious environments. Spending 10–20 minutes of my morning doing devotion or meditation provides me with the peace of mind I need. This act allows me to intentionally find peace within the chaos.

We always want to start our morning in peace, not chaos.

Habit 5: Reading News

Reading news allows you to stay present.

I always believed that it is important for us to be aware of what is happening around us to feel present. I used to believe that reading news was a chore and unnecessary because the views are often biased or exaggerated. However, I came to realise that we don’t need to be committed to believing that everything the news represents the truth, we just need to be aware of our surroundings. Perhaps, this could also be a good time for us to practice our judgments.

The last thing we want in our life is — to live in our own bubble.

Habit 6: Exercise Daily

Exercising allows you to release stress and clear your mind.

Exercising produces endorphin, a chemical that helps us to release stress and pain. I have always enjoyed a short workout during a busy day as I usually grab this opportunity to clear my mind. Of course, sometimes it is just so difficult to squeeze some time out to exercise. However, we don’t need to devote a large amount of time to exercise. I usually spent 10–15 minutes daily for some quick workouts. I am a strong believer that consistency matters more.

Plus point of exercising is that it will slowly transform your body strength and physique. I noticed that I felt more energised and confident as a result of it.

Habit 7: Daily Journaling

Daily journaling allows you to pause and reflect on your day.

Journaling allows me to pause and reflect on my day. Reflection is crucial if we want to improve our lives. It is a process that allows us to constantly seek to understand ourselves more and how to further improve ourselves. Reflection provides us with a direction, preventing us from getting lost in the midst of chaos.

Plus point is you get to pen down your memories! Once memories are written down, they will never fade.

Habit 8: Writing Daily Gratitude

Writing gratitude allows you to see things from different perspectives.

Gratitude is everywhere. It boils down to our perspectives and how we choose to frame our circumstances. Over the years, I have learnt that gratitude does not need to come with any magnitude. It can be as small as, “my laptop doesn’t lag as much today” or “I get to drink a cup of coffee before work starts”.

When we learn how to seek gratitude in the smallest thing in life, that’s when we know that we have found true joy.

Habit 9: Cleaning my table

Cleaning your table makes you feel that you are in charge of your life.

I made a consistent effort to always clean up my table after the end of my work or day, even if it means setting it up again from scratch the next day. When our surroundings are cluttered, it tends to give us a false signal that we are not in control — we are in a mess. By cleaning my table every day, the act of it tells me that I’m taking charge!

Habit 10: Writing and Sharing Your Reflection

Sharing provides happiness and allows the exchange of different perspectives.

(exactly what I am doing now!)

Sharing is caring, as cliché as it sounds, sharing does not only benefits the receiving party, it allows us to feel empowered! I have always enjoyed sharing my learnings and experiences as it allows me to build connections whilst providing me with the opportunity to be exposed to different perspectives.

“All big things come from small beginnings. The seed of every habit is a single, tiny decision.” — James Clear, Atomic Habits

Everyone has their own set of routine that will help them, it varies for each individual. The key here is to always do some trial and errors. Find that unique routine that suits you. It is also very important to remember that consistency is key. I want to take this opportunity to encourage you to start finding that routine of yours! Don’t rush to any conclusions if we don’t observe many changes in the short term, just stay consistent and I guarantee that you will eventually witness a transformation!



Quarter Thinkz

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